Upcycle, Reimagined- CEHFH Vignette Challenge
Reimagining ReStore merchandise as a kick off toWomen Build Month coming in May
In collaboration with the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC, Savannah College of Arts and Design (SCAD), and Savannah Tech, we are introducing our first ever Vignette Competition- Upcycle, Reimagined!
Coastal Empire Habitat for Humanity is raising funds as part of our annual Women Build month which celebrates WOMEN WHO BUILD. These teams, while not exclusively female, showcase the creativity and ingenuity of our incredible community. We invite you to vote (as many times as you like!) for your favorite vignette now through March 31st!
Teams have worked tirelessly to reimagine and upcycle stock and merchandise from Coastal Empire H4H ReStore to bring you these four beautiful stories! Each team was responsible for creating a themed 10'x5' space using at least 75% of their materials from what they found on the ReStore sales floor.
$5 = 1 vote but please, VISIT THE RESTORE IN PERSON where $5 = 2 votes!!