Thanksgiving 2018 … seems as if it came out of nowhere! We are sliding into the Glitter Bowl of the holidays and while it’s a glorious celebration of friends, family, food and fun, this time of year can push us to our limits because projects, deadlines and clients are rushing to get everything done in the next six weeks. We have so much to be thankful and grateful for this time of year, so let that be front & center.
If you believe, as I do, that gratitude is an ACTION word, may I offer you the freedom to take your foot off the gas for few minutes every day, take a deep breath, and thank yourself for the gift YOU are to us, your NAWIC sisters. We cherish one another, not just for the work you do and the service you give to our chapter. We cherish who you are and we want you to be healthy, happy and take time away from the “Sturm und Drang” … a phrase in German that literally means "storm and stress.”
2018 has been a turnaround year for our chapter; we’ve weathered some changes in our membership, several board members have rotated out and we’ve welcomed new members to the board. NAWIC on a national level is changing … women seem to be redefining and refining what we want, what we need and where we are going in this new age of extreme information and intense examination. It’s the old “blessing and a curse” scenario. To be sure, change is needed yet attention must be paid as we look to the future of our goals and direction, our focus, our intent and our messaging. Back here at home, I ask you: What do you want your NAWIC chapter, the NAWIC of the future, to be?
We can continue on as a group of strong and talented women, connected by common business interests, who meet once a month to cover our chapter’s basic business and listen to a guest speaker. That’s pleasant, enjoyable and checks all the “membership” boxes. Is that what you want? If so, hang with it and be happy.
What if you want something more from our chapter? What do you think would make this NAWIC chapter more relevant and your membership more compelling to you professionally and personally?
I’d guess that those of us who are really get a lot out of our membership are more involved and engaged in our activities than others. This is a no-brainer. I hope, if you aren’t feeling the “zsa zsa zsu,” you’ll get more engaged. It’s good for the soul, good for the chapter overall and good for your business, too. Most importantly to many of us, our chapter activities give us ongoing opportunities to give back to our community in large and small ways with gifts of money, support and precious time. We truly DO make a difference! Join us!
November is a great month to start! We have a terrific monthly meeting planned for Tuesday the 27th with guest speaker Geoff LeRoy, APICS Savannah President, speaking on the effects of the trade and tariff legislation changes have on our businesses. Then, on December 13th, join our annual Holiday Party at Vickie Callaway’s house and enjoy great food and drink (everybody brings) and a fun Dirty Santa gift exchange. Join our December board meeting on the 10th at noon at DIRTT where we’ll be planning in earnest for WIC week March 2-9, 2019 … along with much other great activity.
There’s no better time to be an involved and contributing member of NAWIC Coastal Georgia. We want you, we need you and we can’t grow without you!
In love and service,
Laura Lee Bocade
NAWIC Coastal Georgia Chapter #380 President 2018-2019