Happy New Year, Coastal Georgia NAWIC members!
Did you have a joyful holiday season filled with family, friends, fun and some much-needed R&R? I’m realizing that, for me, the end of December and early January are really the only times of the year I give myself “total permission” to fully retreat, reset and refresh, but, as always, to each her own.
December was warm and sparkling … especially in the always-festive, beautiful, spirited and welcoming home of Vickie and Bobby Callaway for our December holiday party. Vickie and Bobby are the perfect, most generous hosts and they always create an evening of fun. Although it was “a dark and rainy night,” we’re glad a few members made the trip and celebrated the spirit of NAWIC with us. As fun as it is, we’re sad to say we may not keep this tradition going … it’s a lot of work for so few members joining. Maybe we need to read the tea leaves!
As 2019 ramps up, I trust you are all refreshed, energized and ready to embrace new challenges, seize the days, weeks and months ahead and make this a truly great year. The signs are in place … Savannah is full of opportunities, more than we’ve ever had, perhaps, in the built environment. Check out the current projects projected for Savannah. And, as Georgia continues her 5th-year-in-a-row reign as the Best State in Which to Do Business, there is much beyond our community to explore and develop.
So what does 2019 hold for our chapter and members? Well, I might say, that’s entirely up to YOU! To lay the foundation, your board has been working diligently the past few months to set up a monthly chapter meeting schedule with targeted guest speakers on current topics, events and projects that are both relevant to our industry and specific to what YOU’VE told us you want! We’ve been working hard, too, on WIC Week 2019 with five days of programming to make YOU “Be the Power in Your Success,” NAWIC’s WIC week slogan for 2019. Calendar it: WIC Week is March 3-9 and we’ve got every day that work week (March 4-8) covered with great things to be part of! SHOW UP for best results ☺️
NAWIC is like most anything in life – you get what you give. Make 2019 the year you really give more time, more energy, more focus to your NAWIC membership and join those of us who get more out of our NAWIC engagement than we give! Participation in our monthly meetings, our committees, WIC week, local, regional and national events, webinars, learning opportunities and so much more not only teach you more about NAWIC and the mission for women’s growth in a largely-male-focused industry, which is as crucial today as it’s ever been, but you will enhance your career skills, get to better know your NAWIC sisters and really build your business and our community. Reach out to me or any of your board members – Tricia, Tonya, Vickie, Erin, Paige, Marilyn, Christy, Brandy or Amanda – for their recommendations on how to best get MORE ENGAGED!
It’s an honor and a privilege to be part of NAWIC Coastal Georgia #380 and I am excited about where we’ve been and where we’re going … 2019 will be a great NAWIC year!