Committee 101 Lunch in the Park!
Join us for a networking lunch and for a chance to talk about our new committees on November 24th at Lake Mayer Community Park!!
We will call this our "Committee 101 Lunch"!
We are extremely excited about what committees will do for our chapter - #1 is getting more members involved!
We would love to have you join us for our Committee 101 Lunch, along with all the Committee Chairs and decide what committee you would like to pour yourself into over the next year!
If you just wish to come network, that is okay too! We welcome all friendly NAWIC faces! Potential members are welcome as guests, but must pre-pay and RSVP for the lunch!
PRE-PAY IS REQUIRED FOR THIS LUNCHEON. When you RSVP you will be required to pre-pay for your lunch! This will ensure you have lunch on the day of our meeting!
Laura Skellie | JE Dunn Construction
2020-2021 President | NAWIC Coastal Georgia
P.S. We will send out our Committee List with all the details by the end of the week, so you are able to get an idea of what you may want to join!
P.S.S. Weather pending, this event will be outside, and exact location will be provided on Monday!